You searched for: “most perennial
perennial (adjective), more perennial, most perennial
1. Descriptive of something which lasts a very long time; enduring; recurring: Communication between the different offices in the building seems to be perennial, because the secretaries often convey information about their jobs to each other, and sometimes this causes problems!
2. Characteristic of a plant which lives for many years: Several kinds of herbs are perennial, in that they don’t have to be planted every year in order to exist.
3. Concerning a person who evidently is quite involved in a certain way of life or role: There are students who are perennial and go to their universities year after year and earn many qualifications!
4. Relating to a spring or waterway which flows continuously throughout the year: Tom's family relies on the perennial stream close to their cabin for their water supply.
Relating to something that takes place over and over again.
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A reference to something that can be expected very often.
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Pertaining to something that lasts for a long time or is often repeated.
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This entry is located in the following units: -enni-, -ennial, -ennium (page 2) per- (page 5)